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Setup for 3 Player a Game of Gaia Project

Originally generated on 9/19/2023 12:57:23 AM EST
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Setup Option Type = Random

Player Setup

Seat 1
- Starting player
- First to Place a Structure
- Last to draft a Boost tile
Seat 2 Seat 3
- Last player
- Last to Place a Structure
- First to draft a Boost tile
Player 1 Player 3 Player 2
Faction: Bescods
Faction: Taklons
Faction: Xenos

Research Tech Tile Setup

Advanced Tech Tiles Federation Tile 2 Lost Mine Tile        
Advanced Tech Tile 7 Advanced Tech Tile 10 Advanced Tech Tile 15 Advanced Tech Tile 12 Advanced Tech Tile 1 Advanced Tech Tile 9
Basic Tech Tiles Basic Tech Tile 9 Basic Tech Tile 4 Basic Tech Tile 2 Basic Tech Tile 8 Basic Tech Tile 5 Basic Tech Tile 7
Basic Tech Tile 3 Basic Tech Tile 6 Basic Tech Tile 1

Scoring Tile Setup

Round Scoring Tiles Round Score Tile 8 Round Score Tile 9 Round Score Tile 5 Round Score Tile 4 Round Score Tile 3 Round Score Tile 6
End Game Scoring Tiles End Game Score Tile 1
End Game Score Tile 6

Other Setup

Boost Tiles Boost Tile 1 Boost Tile 8 Boost Tile 10 Boost Tile 3 Boost Tile 2 Boost Tile 7

Map Setup

Bold Map 04 Bold Map 01 Bold Map 02 Empty Bold Map 08 Bold Map 07 Empty Bold Map 06 Bold Map 05 Bold Map 03